Ricki’s List of the Best Health and Wellness Solutions


Ricki’s List of the Best Health and Wellness Solutions

Whenever you found a person, institution, medical provider, company, service, or product to improve your health, did you ever leave feeling more stressed out than when you visited them?  Imagine if what they provided you left you feeling calmer, more relaxed, peaceful, and comforted. When it comes to your health customer service translates into a positive bedside manner. This includes your entire experience when you go to a person, institution, medical provider, or a service, starting with the first person who greets you, whether the valet who parks your car, the security person  at the door, the receptionists, billing person, or registration person who checks you in, to the aides, nurses, nurse practitioners, and the doctor herself or himself. When you are already going there because you are ill, the last thing you want is to add stress to the experience.

This section would not be here on my guide if I did not experience over-the-top customer service that made my visit to the hospital, doctor, or medical practitioner make me feel like so peaceful and comforted as if I died and went to heaven. Yes, there are places like that, and I have put on my bucket list to make sure they are acknowledged not only for their caring nature, but as the gold standard for what all medical providers should offer.

If you are not on this list, it is is either because I am still adding to it, or I don’t know about you. If you feel you offer the criteria of providing the best health and wellness solutions including a stress-free peaceful experience, or you know of such a person or place: email me at: rlinksman@keysleanring.com to see if you can be featured.

See Blog posts on the sidebar:

-University of Chicago Hospital Doctor Offers Simple Solution for Kidney Stones that Hides in Your Kitchen